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Rep. Paul Thissen votes against the protection of unborn babies


ST. PAUL — Rep. Paul Thissen has offered no support for legislative efforts to protect innocent unborn human life, according to Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL), the state's oldest and largest pro-life organization. The pro-abortion state representative from Minneapolis announced his candidacy for governor today.

"Rep. Thissen's pro-abortion voting record is out of touch with Minnesotans," said MCCL Executive Director Scott Fischbach. "His record reveals his allegiance to the abortion industry rather than the state's most vulnerable and dependent citizens, the unborn."

Rep. Thissen has been a constant advocate of abortion on demand at the Legislature. He has voted at every opportunity against a ban on taxpayer funded abortion. Taxpayers have been forced to fund more than 77,000 abortions (nearly all elective) at a cost of $23.5 million over the last 20 years.

He has voted repeatedly over many years in opposition to the licensing and inspection of Minnesota's abortion facilities, which remain unlicensed by the state. Rep. Thissen has also voted in favor of abortion coverage in the state's MNsure medical insurance program.

Rep. Thissen has voted against efforts to end "webcam abortions" that increase the risks of chemical abortions to women. He has even opposed the protection of unborn babies from abortion at the point when they are able to feel pain.

"Rep. Thissen simply does not support any protections for women or unborn children from the violence and injustice of abortion," Fischbach said. "But Minnesotans, the majority of whom are pro-life, want a governor who will respect and protect innocent unborn babies and their mothers."

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