As abortions increase and lawmakers pass extreme pro-abortion laws, join thousands of Minnesotans in St. Paul for an unforgettable visual commemoration and urgent public witness to the value of every human life.
The 2024 MCCL March for Life takes place at noon on Monday, Jan. 22, at the Minnesota Capitol in St. Paul, and we need you there! This year's March comes in the wake of extreme new pro-abortion laws and sharply increasing abortions in our state—and even more pro-abortion measures are expected soon. That's why the March will be different this year, and more important than ever.
It will feature a unique and powerful visual commemoration of lives lost. Each person at the March will have the opportunity (if they wish) to take a life-size model of an unborn baby (provided by MCCL) and place the baby in a display on the Capitol steps. The 12,000 babies there will tangibly represent the 12,000 unborn lives lost to abortion in Minnesota in 2022 alone.
Let's make this event as impactful as ever as we work to rebuild a pro-life Minnesota—a place where no child is forgotten and where all moms and babies receive our love and protection.
Let us know you're coming by committing to attend. But don't worry: Everyone is welcome, whether or not they have registered ahead of time. Please come, and bring others with you!
Directions and parking information are available online. Buses may park along Martin Luther King Blvd. Pro-life signs will be provided, but you are also free to bring your own.
A promotional poster for the March is available here. You can find social media graphics on Facebook and Instagram. Contact MCCL with any questions.
Read about and view photos from the 2023 March. You can also see pictures from the 2022, 2020, 2019. 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, and 2014 Marches, and view archival photographs from five decades of the March.