Welcome to MCCL's new website—we hope you find it both informative and easy to use. The website covers right-to-life issues, MCCL events and programs, pro-life legislation, pro-life news and resources, ways to get involved, and more.
We invite you to browse the menu at the top of the page, check out the news, events, and issues highlighted on the homepage, and read our new blog.
MCCL is Minnesota's oldest and largest pro-life organization. We're dedicated to securing protection for innocent human life from conception until natural death through effective education, legislation, and political action. If you're new to MCCL, learn more about us and consider becoming a member.
And—whether you're a newcomer or a long-time MCCL member—be sure to follow the blog for the latest pro-life news and commentary, and connect with us on social media (see the links on the homepage or at the bottom of every page). Feel free to contact us with your questions or comments.
Thanks for visiting!