MCCL launches campaign to expose Tina Smith's record of abortion advocacy
MINNEAPOLIS, MN — The state's largest pro-life organization is launching a radio ad campaign to inform Minnesotans about U.S. Senate...
Tina Smith Senate appointment is bad news for Minnesotans
The following statement may be attributed to Leo LaLonde, President of Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL). "Gov. Mark Dayton's...
Walz running mate Flanagan's abortion advocacy not right for Minnesota
ST. PAUL — State Rep. Peggy Flanagan does not share the will of most Minnesotans to protect innocent unborn human life, according to...
Rep. Paul Thissen votes against the protection of unborn babies
ST. PAUL — Rep. Paul Thissen has offered no support for legislative efforts to protect innocent unborn human life, according to Minnesota...
Congressional candidate Jensen defends abortion, not unborn children
ST. PAUL — Vicki Jensen sees no place for laws to protect innocent unborn human life, according to Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life...
Tim Walz not right for MN governor
ST. PAUL — Rep. Tim Walz, who announced his run for governor this morning, has compiled an extreme voting record on abortion that places...