Recurring gifts to MCCL save lives and money!
Please consider joining our recurring gifts Rose Society.
Recurring gifts from our monthly Rose Society members are a vital aspect of our organization. Rose Society gifts provide predictable income and security, allowing MCCL to spend more resources educating the public about pro-life issues.

Rose Society members receive the benefit of having a convenient and simple way to show their support for MCCL. They also receive an annual statement summarizing their gift history at year's end, and receive no other solicitations throughout the year.
MCCL's Rose Society allows you the convenience of donating monthly through several different methods.
Direct Debit
Donating monthly by direct debit is easy and secure. To set up monthly payments using direct debit, please download our Direct Debit Form and mail your completed copy to the MCCL state office. You must include a copy of a voided check from the account you will be using.
Credit Card
For your convenience, we are able to accept monthly donations through Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Please call the MCCL state office at 612-825-6831 to set up monthly payments using your credit card.
Call the MCCL state office at 612-825-6831 to make a monthly pledge as a Rose Society member, and you will receive a monthly reminder in the mail. You may fulfill your pledge through the mail or donate online.
Contact MCCL for more information about any of these Rose Society options.