Many organizations and ministries—in both Minnesota and nationwide—offer help and support for women and men who have experienced the trauma of abortion. Here is information about some of these organizations.

Abortion Changes You An online resource for anyone who has been touched by abortion or is contemplating one.
Abortion Recovery International A worldwide database of organizations that can assist in the healing process.
Binding Up the Brokenhearted Biblically-based, 10-week small group or online study for women coping with the pain of abortion. Register at or call 651-245-5700
Conquerors A post-abortion support group affiliated with New Life Family Services and Transform Minnesota.
Twin Cities: 612-746-5663
Liberate Ministries A safe place to learn and heal after abortion through structured 10-week group sessions for women.
Eden Prairie: 952-847-3682
National Helpline for Abortion Recovery Counseling services and a model for sexual health, abortion recovery and prevention. | 866-482-5433
Project Rachel (Post Abortion Healing) One-on-one sessions for those coping with abortion's painful after-effects. St. Paul 651-291-4515 |
Rachel's Vineyard Weekend retreats for healing after abortion. 1-877-467-3463
Rich in Mercy (Everlasting Light Ministries) A safe, biblically based 8-week healing program for women, men & youth. To register, call 763-560-8383.
Silent No More Minnesota Nonprofit organization exposing the devastation of abortion and helping women find healing: | 612-298-0709
Surrendering the Secret Healing the heartbreak of abortion. Eight-week Bible-based study; supportive and confidential environment. | St. Cloud 320-253-1962
Organizations listed on this page are not necessarily endorsed by MCCL and should be evaluated by individuals who plan to use their services.