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2020 elections: Pro-life gains in state Legislature, Congress

Paul Stark

How did the 2020 elections go for the right to life in Minnesota? Better than many expected—especially when it comes to the state Legislature.

Let’s look first at the federal level. In Minnesota's U.S. Senate race, pro-life former Congressman Jason Lewis fell short in his bid to unseat Tina Smith, a former Planned Parenthood executive. Overall, though, pro-lifers are hoping to maintain control of the U.S. Senate, allowing them to stop harmful anti-life legislation (such as a repeal of the Hyde Amendment, which prevents most federal taxpayer funding of abortion) from advancing.

In Minnesota's U.S. House races, pro-life Congressmen Tom Emmer (6th District) and Pete Stauber (8th District) easily won re-election, and pro-life Congressman Jim Hagedorn (1st District) won another term as well in a highly targeted rematch against Dan Feehan. Pro-life former Lieutenant Governor Michelle Fischbach, who has a lifetime 100 percent pro-life voting record in the Minnesota Legislature, handily defeated long-time incumbent Collin Peterson (7th District). In Minnesota's tightest congressional race (2nd District)—one that defied the expectations of most prognosticators—pro-life challenger Tyler Kistner came up just short in a strong effort to unseat pro-abortion incumbent Angie Craig.

Overall, pro-lifers gained seats in the U.S. House, though they still don't have a majority.

The story is similar—but actually slightly better—in the Minnesota Legislature. Although some votes may continue to be counted, the state Senate is expected to maintain its narrow pro-life majority—despite heavily funded efforts to take out a number of pro-life senators. In the House, the Democratic-Famer-Labor party retained its majority, but Republicans picked up several seats. And with those gains and the re-election of at least three pro-life Democrats, pro-lifers are now likely to have a one-seat majority in the House!

The success of these pro-life legislative candidates is crucial. Minnesota doesn't have a pro-life governor willing to sign major new pro-life bills into law. But the Legislature can now stop harmful measures from passing, such as repeals of existing pro-life laws (like our Woman's Right to Know and Positive Alternatives laws) or attempts to legalize assisted suicide.

In two years, the governor and entire state Legislature—with redrawn districts—will be on the ballot. Our chances of advancing lifesaving protections for unborn children and their mothers will be on the ballot too!

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